Sunday, November 16, 2008

How to Speed up Metabolism in 5 Easy Steps

Your metabolism is the key to any weight loss goals you wish to meet. By simply increasing the rate at which you burn calories you can lose weight and keep it off. If you want to know how to speed up metabolism then consider starting with these 5 easy steps.
1. Quit skipping breakfast - The first meal of the day jump starts your metabolism and provides the energy you need to get through the first part of the day. Drinking a cup of coffee and eating a donut does not count. While they may make it feel like you have extra energy this soon passes and leaves you feeling fatigued and hungry later in the morning. You need complex carbohydrates along with some protein and fat to keep you energy levels on an even keel through the morning.
2. Eat more meals - If you eat a small healthy meal every three to four hours you will see a marked increase in your metabolism along with energy levels. This works because it keeps your blood sugars at a constant level through out the day which keeps those late day hunger pangs away. In fact your metabolism will slow down as the day progresses in order to conserve its energy stores.
3. Protein - Be sure to include protein with each meal as protein helps reduce your appetite by making you feel full for longer. Research studies have proven that eating more protein helps you lose weight without the need to cut calories.
4. Stop snacking - This ties into the eating 5 or 6 small meals through out the day. When we begin to feel fatigued the first thing we reach for is a sugary snack or soda of some sort to help perk us up. All this does is cause a spike in blood sugar which more often then not gets stored away as fat. If you do feel tired get your heart rate up and your blood pumping by getting up and moving around. If you are hungry have a snack that is high in protein and complex carbohydrates for more long term energy.
5. Eat enough calories - Cutting too many calories can have the disastrous effect of actually slowing down your metabolism as your body begins to go into starvation mode. The key is to consume enough calories to meet your body's daily energy needs by eating healthy foods high in complex carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and mineral, fiber, and some fat. Cut the processed foods from your diet and you will soon see good results.
Any good weight loss program begins with your metabolism and learning how to speed up metabolism is the key to its success. Starting with these five easy tips can get you started meeting your fat loss goals.

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