Sunday, January 23, 2011

Anti Aging Serum

Anti aging serum is what Ponce De Leon sought along with eternal youth. In fact, anti aging serum is still very desired even now. Perhaps Ponce was on to something. He certainly seems to have started a lasting trend.

One of the most common anti aging serum ingredients is Vitamin C. Such serums work their magic by catalyzing the creation of a substance called “collagen.” This is a protein and makes up most of our skin cells. These varieties of anti aging serum fall into the category known as “anti-oxidants.” Such types of anti aging serum (VitC-based) have their own peculiar weakness: namely they themselves can be oxidized via the normal usage which places them into intimate contact with atmospheric oxygen.

It is for this reason that many choose to employ an anti aging serum that comprises various synthetic forms of the C-vitamin.

The reason being, they tend to be much more inert as well as more affordable. Nevertheless, the potency and usefulness of these types of anti aging treatments tends to be a bit less as compared to anti aging serum that is composed of natural C vitamin.

Other antioxidants include such things as E-vitamin and “liponic acid.” The antioxidant “E-vitamin” dissolves in the fat of our bodies. It is present in our blood and aids in the creation of resistance to infection by foreign bodies and has well-known cancer-battling properties. Practically hailed as a miracle cure for wrinkles at one time – but still quite a potent weapon in the war on aging, Liponic acid reverses dermatological damage triggered by the natural aging we all experience.

The other broad category of anti aging serum you may be familiar with are a class of compounds known simply as “Phytochemicals.”

These are chemical compounds derived from plant tissue, with many variations employed in the modern anti aging product industry.

Phytochemical mixtures have potent anti carcinogenic properties. Among the cancers they are known to help prevent are those of the colon, the prostate and the mammary glands (i.e. breast.) It is for these reasons they are used commonly in anti aging serum.

In addition to c-vitamin, other vitamins can be found in anti aging serum as well. These include the B-vitamins such as Pantothenic acid (B-5), pyridoxal phosphate (B-6) and cobalamin (B-12). The use of anti aging serum must not occur in a vacuum. It is critically important to practice sound homeopathic (i.e. natural) skin care as well.

Such simple daily habits as:

* imbibing plenty of H2O;
* sleeping at least eight hours a night;
* getting regular physical activity;
* eating a healthy, balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables;
* staying calm

Each of these small steps taken as a whole can go a long way towards helping you achieve the results you desire through the use of anti aging serum.


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